Enterprise support and developmentApproved by national bodies and agencies as a reputable provider of
enterprise support
Faith based groupsConsidering the relationships between an organisations theology and its operational needs
Feasibility studiesIdentifying critical success factors and issues for start-ups and existing organisations
Project managementEnsuring the successful achievement of (funded) projects’ aims
ResearchDeveloping greater understandings of various issues for individual groups and policy makers
Social accounting and impact evaluationSupporting groups to better identify and understand the changes to the world that they’re making
TrainingRecognised and appreciated by individual learners and commissioning colleges
Morning Adrian, I came across your information on the coop uk site when I was filling out a hive application. We are currently the remaining group of people who get their water from a private water supply through a limited company. The supply has been operating for over a hundred years and takes spring water off the moors and delivers it to approximately 15 properties, domestic, farms and a tourism business. The limited company that operates the system has ceased trading and is planning to dissolve by 31/3/2022. Rather than have a protracted legal battle (of which there’s only one winner) we thought it would be good to obtain the supply and operate it as a group. I have been tasked with pulling together the options and it’s only when you start that the panic sets in ! We are situated in the North Yorkshire moors in a village called Ingleby Greenhow. Any advice or guidance would be great.
Regards Tim Hawman (resident and farmer)